Your universe has a volume of {{format(player.size, 3)}}m3 ({{(player.size.gte(tmp.compaction.start)?"+":"×")+format(player.size.gte(tmp.compaction.start)?displayCompactionSizeGain():tmp.sizeBase.root(player.size.gte(tmp.slowdown.start)?2:1), 3)}}/s)
Universal Slowdown is slowing down your Universe's growth beyond {{format(tmp.slowdown.start)}}m3

Universal Compaction is halting your Universe's growth beyond {{format(tmp.compaction.start)}}m3

Created by Jacorb
Credit to Letorin for helping plan this out :)

Jacorb's Discord Server

You have completed {{formatWhole(player.depth)}} Dimensional Depths, which boost Universe Growth Speed by {{format(tmp.prestige.eff)}}x.
You have {{formatWhole(player.essence)}} Universe Essence.

{{(tmp.upgs.rowsUnl<4)?(universe_upgs.rowUnls[tmp.upgs.rowsUnl+1].desc+" to unlock new Universal Upgrades"):""}}

You have {{format(}} Red Quarks, which multiply Green Quark gain by {{format(}}.

You have {{format(}} Green Quarks, which multiply Blue Quark gain by {{format(}}.

You have {{format(}} Blue Quarks, which multiply Red Quark gain by {{format(}}.

The {{getGluonScaleName()}}Gluon is {{format(tmp.qk.gluon.size)}}m long, which boosts Universe Growth Speed{{voidUpgActive(16)?" & Quark gain":""}} by {{format(tmp.qk.gluon.eff)}}x

You have {{formatWhole(player.quarks.charge)}} Quark Charge, which strengthens all Quark effects by {{format(tmp.qk.eff.charge.sub(1).times(100))+(" + "+format(tmp.qk.eff.addedCharge.sub(1).times(100))):"")}}%.

You have {{format(}} Anti-Red Quarks, which multiply Red Quark gain by {{format(}}, but divide Anti-Green Quark gain by {{format(}}.

You have {{format(}} Anti-Green Quarks, which multiply Green Quark gain by {{format(}}, but divide Anti-Blue Quark gain by {{format(}}.

You have {{format(}} Anti-Blue Quarks, which multiply Blue Quark gain by {{format(}}, but divide Anti-Red Quark gain by {{format(}}.

The {{getAntiGluonScaleName()}}Anti-Gluon is {{format(}}m long, which multiplies Photonic Matter{{hasAQUpg(21)?" & Anti-Energy":""}} gain by {{format(}}x

Your Anti-Quarks have generated {{format(}} Anti-Energy (+{{format(getAQEnergyGain())}}/s)

Antiquark Upgrade Power: {{format(}}%
You have {{format(player.hadrons.amount)}} Hadrons (+{{format(tmp.had.dispGain)}}/s), which are extending the starts of Universal Slowdown & Compaction by {{format(tmp.had.eff)}}x

You have {{formatWhole(player.hadrons.boosters)+(" + "+format(tmp.had.extraBoosts)):"")}} Hadronic Boosters, which are strengthening Quark & Gluon effects by {{format(tmp.had.boostEff.sub(1).times(100))}}%, and are multiplying Hadron gain by {{format(tmp.had.boostEff2)}}x

You have {{formatWhole(}} Annihilation Energy.
You have {{formatWhole(}} Total Annihilation Energy, which makes the Universe's size boost its growth rate by {{format(tmp.anh.eff)}}x.

You have {{format(player.void.fabric)}} Space-Time Fabric (+{{format(tmp.void.stGain)}}/s)
Void Upgrades can be purchased twice: 1 Purchase = Works in Void, 2 Purchases = Works in & out of Void

{{tmp.anh.boosts.power.eq(1)?"WARNING: Switching Annihilation Boosts forces an Annihilation reset!":("Boost Power: "+format(tmp.anh.boosts.power.times(100))+"%")}}

Annihilation Boost I

Makes Dimensional Depths add extra levels to {{hasAnhUpg(35)?"all Universal Upgrades":"the first 9 Universal Upgrades"}}.

Currently: +{{format(tmp.anh.boosts[1])}}

Annihilation Boost II

Makes Unspent Annihilation Energy strengthen all Quark effects.

Currently: {{format(tmp.anh.boosts[2].sub(1).times(100))}}% stronger

Annihilation Boost III

Makes Total Universal Upgrade Level add extra Hadronic Boosters.

Currently: +{{format(tmp.anh.boosts[3])}}

You have {{format(player.void.fabric)}} Space-Time Fabric (+{{format(tmp.void.stGain.times([6].eff.eff))}}/s)

In the Void, all Universal Upgrades are disabled, and Annihilation Upgrades are replaced by Void Upgrades.
Space-Time Fabric is gained based on your Universe's size, but slows down over time since last Dimensional Depth

Your Space-Time Fabric has generated {{format(player.photons.matter)}} Photonic Matter (+{{format(}}/s)

{{x.color}} Photons: {{format(player.photons.colors[i].amt)}} (+{{format([i].gain)}}/s)


Your Space-Time Fabric has generated {{format(player.photons.matter)}} Photonic Matter (+{{format(}}/s)
You have {{formatWhole(player.photons.ultra)}} Ultrawaves.